Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Military Coach FAQs

Active Duty Military? Beachbody wants to thank YOU!

Hi everyone! I recieve alot of questions from active duty military members about Beachbody, and if you're one of them you are in luck! The cost of your business starter kit ($39.95) and your monthly business service fee will be waived for the duration of your active duty orders.

What is the Beachbody Military program for our Independent Team Beachbody Coaches? Beachbody is excited to offer this great program for our Coaches who are actively serving in our military. If you are an active member of the military and newly enrolling as a Beachbody Coach, the cost of your business starter kit ($39.95) and your monthly business service fee will be waived for the duration of your active duty orders. If you are already a Beachbody Coach and on active duty, your monthly business service fee will be waived for the duration of your active duty orders. In either case, if your active orders have no stated end date, your business service fee will be waived for a minimum of two years.
I’m a Beachbody Coach and I’ve got friends in the military who would like to enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. What’s my next step? It’s always a great idea to share as much information about this opportunity with your prospective Coach prior to their enrollment. Giving them a chance to review more about being a Coach can help ensure they’re well informed. Once they’ve decided to join our Coach network, you’ll want them to complete the Coach application, and submit the completed Coach application, together with a copy of their active duty orders, to our Coach Relations team for further review and processing. Paperwork may be submitted to our secure fax at (213) 201-7225 or by email to coachrelations@teambeachbody.com. If we need any further information to verify a new Coach’s active duty status, we will reach out to them directly.
I’m active military and I’d like to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. How do I enroll? Please complete the Coach application, and submit the completed Coach application, together with a copy of your active duty orders or any suitable verification of your status, such as a copy of your military ID or your BIR, to our Coach Relations team for further review and processing. Paperwork may be submitted to our secure fax at (213) 201-7225 or by email to coachrelations@teambeachbody.com. If we need any further information to verify a new Coach’s active duty status, we will reach out to you directly.
Both I and my spouse are active military. May we both enroll as Independent Team Beachbody Coaches and have our fees waived? Yes, if you and your spouse are both active military, you may each enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, and each of you is eligible to have your basic enrollment fee of $39.95 and your monthly business service fee waived. Both of you will need to complete our Coach application and submit the application along with the verification of your active status.
I’m active duty military however my spouse would like to enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Is this possible? Yes, absolutely. If you are active duty military and are not a Beachbody Coach, your spouse is welcome to take advantage of this benefit. If your spouse is enrolling as a Coach rather than you, your spouse will need to submit a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable paperwork, in order to qualify for this waiver. In this particular case, the name on the Coach account will be the enrolling spouse.
I’m active duty military. Can anyone other than my spouse enroll as a Coach based on my status? No. As an active member of the military, either you or your spouse may enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach to take advantage of this waiver of standard fees. If you and your spouse both wish to enroll as Independent Team Beachbody Coaches, and only one of you is an active member of the military, only one of you would qualify to have your standard enrollment fee of $39.95 and your monthly business service fee waived.
I’m active duty military and I’m already an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. What’s next for me? Please submit a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable verification of your status, such as a copy of your military ID or your BIR to our Coach Relations team. Upon further verification of your active duty status, we will waive your monthly business service fee for the duration of your active duty orders. Please note that your initial business starter kit charges are not eligible to be refunded.
What do you mean when you say I have to be active duty military to qualify for this benefit? At the time you submit your Coach application, we will also need you to include a copy of your active duty orders or other suitable verification of your status, from your branch of service. Your active duty orders will likely include a start and end date. Based upon the end date given, your monthly business service fee will be waived during that time period. If you are reassigned to active duty at a later date please contact our Coach Relations team for further instructions.
If you have more extensive questions regarding whether or not you are eligible for this program, please contact our Compliance department at compliance@teambeachbody.com.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cellulite: Hold the Cottage Cheese, Please.

One of the most hated words in the English language must surely be cellulite. For the 90 percent of women who are plagued by the “cottage cheese” dimples that can run across the backs of arms and the entire lower body, it can seem like the ugliest thing in the world. Sure, you can hide it beneath clothing, but once bikini season hits, it’s all over. From a self-consciousness point of view, it’s as if you’re back in middle school. You might as well make it a trifecta of humiliation by slapping on some braces and a lime-green prom dress. While there’s no way yet to completely rid your body of cellulite, there are a few ways to help improve its appearance.
The term cellulite refers to the dimpled appearance of skin that can occur at any point on the body where the skin is thinner. Under the upper layer of skin, there’s a layer of connective tissue that holds fat into place. In most women (and some men), this connective tissue has gaps in it, which allow the fat to push through, creating a bumpy appearance. The difference between fat and cellulite is simply where the deposit lies in relation to these gaps in the connective tissue. That, and the fact that even with weight loss and muscle gain, so-called “normal” fat may disappear, while cellulite seems to want to continue keeping your thighs company indefinitely.
Women in Bikinis
Cellulite can occur in the thinnest of women and men (sorry, guys) and doesn’t seem to discriminate based on nationality, financial standing, age, or weight. There are believed to be hormonal and hereditary issues that can contribute to causing cellulite. Other causes may include poor circulation, lack of exercise, and even too-tightly fitting undergarments. But no one really knows for sure why 10 percent of the female population is gifted with not having to deal with cellulite, while the rest of us have rear ends that look like a giant golf ball.
So when faced with the appearance of orange peel on your thighs, what should you do? Well, there’s good and bad news. The bad news is that there is no actual way, surgical or otherwise, to get rid of cellulite completely at present. No amount of vacuuming, injections, creams, or painful massage will eradicate it permanently. But there are many things that can potentially improve the appearance of cellulite. The following is a list of options, ranked from the least to most invasive and/or expensive.
  1. DietDiet. There are several diets out here that claim to remove cellulite from the body. After a bit of research, you’ll find that most of them are just healthy eating plans that tell you to reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption, avoid processed foods, and drink plenty of water. This, of course, doesn’t really bring anything specific to the table for cellulite. It might help you lose overall body fat, which will reduce the appearance of the lumpy stuff, but no amount of pineapple consumption will completely remove it.
  2. Exercise. Magazines are full of articles on exercises to ban dimpled thighs. Again, these exercises are designed to promote muscle growth and fat loss. Unfortunately, a lot of them are exercises that only target very specific areas, which will not benefit your overall fitness level and are fairly pointless, considering that you can’t spot-reduce fat. Hard cardio and a toned physique will go just as far, if not farther, for reducing the appearance of cellulite. Overall, continuing with your P90X or INSANITY® workout plans will do more for you than will any number of leg lifts alone.
  3. Tanning. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has again come out with studies on how horrible the effects of tanning beds and baking in the sun can be. Tanning has now been compared to cigarettes and arsenic. Which is unfortunate, because a little color on your skin can do more to mask extra bumpy tissue than just about anything else. Luckily, there are an abundance of tanning creams and spray-on tans out there that can give you a similar effect without the risk of skin cancer. Just be careful with application, and if you go the professional route, make sure the folks you choose know what they’re doing. I once attended a black tie event with hands the color of a pumpkin. Not pretty.
  4. Creams. There are thousands of topical treatments available that can cost anywhere from 10 dollars to several hundred. Most of them have the common “active” ingredients aminophylline, caffeine, and theophyilline. Sad to say, none of these creams can deliver the needed concentration to the necessary depth to make much of a difference in the connective tissue. They’re promoted as increasing circulation, but ultimately, you’re just using a very expensive moisturizer.
  5. MassageMassage. Massage is another attempt at breaking down connective tissue and increasing circulation in the area. Unfortunately, cellulite is a tougher problem than can be fixed by a single day at the spa. However, there have been studies that consistent, rather aggressive massage techniques can really assist in the cottage cheese reduction process. Before scheduling a daily visit from your massage therapist, though, try intensely rubbing the affected areas on your own with a moisturizer for a few weeks and see if there’s any change in appearance. Thankfully, most cellulite appears on areas of the body you can actually reach.
  6. Wraps. Wraps have been around forever and still have devoted followers all over the world. The idea of the body wrap is to dehydrate the area, removing all excess water, supposedly creating a leaner appearance. Wrestlers and ballet dancers alike are infamous for wrapping themselves in plastic and sitting in a sauna for ridiculous amounts of time to try and drop “weight.” These results are temporary and will usually return to normal with any intake of water. Wraps may in fact moisturize the skin, but so will a bit of inexpensive aloe vera cream.
  7. Supplements. Supplements can be extremely effective in helping you achieve fitness goals, but like all things I’ve mentioned thus far, no combination of herbal remedies has been proven effective in the fight against cellulite. Most contain some sort of ginkgo biloba, sweet clover, grapeseed bioflavinoids, oil of evening primrose, fish oil, and soy lecithin. All might assist your metabolism, and possibly your immunity and brain function, but none will make the dimples disappear.
  8. Injections. Here’s a cellulite remedy that can cause actual discomfort. Mesotherapy is a series of injections to the cellulite-affected area. Very similar to Botox® for your back end, it’s highly controversial and can require up to 10 visits to see any results. The medication injected has been approved by the FDA for other cosmetic issues, but wasn’t designed for use on cellulite, and is so new that all potential side effects haven’t been discovered yet. Before you choose to go this route, make sure to discuss it thoroughly with your medical practitioner.
  9. Suction massage. Endermology was created in France about 15 years ago for the temporary reduction of cellulite. The machine creates suction, pulling and squeezing affected areas, which eventually seems to redistribute the fat somewhat, but in truth, it doesn’t change the fat’s makeup. Sessions last about 45 minutes, require 10 to 12 visits, and are rather expensive. Without regular maintenance visits, the appearance of cellulite will simply return.
  10. LaserLasers. The FDA has approved two different laser options, both used with either a suction device or massage therapy. A low-level laser is radiated on the skin as some type of massage is administered. Both TriActive and VelaSmooth® require as many sessions as Endermology, in addition to continued follow-up maintenance, and can cost thousands of dollars. The effectiveness of laser treatments on cellulite is still unclear, but for individuals with enough cash to spare, this presently seems to be one of the best possible options for cellulite reduction.
Remember, while many of these approaches can improve the appearance of cellulite, none seem to remove cellulite completely or permanently. Until a method is found that will accomplish the total eradication of cellulite, it might be better to spend less money on expensive creams and injections and more on nutritious foods and activities that support a healthy lifestyle. Not only will this help to improve your skin tone, but it’ll make you feel better about your whole body, inside and out. And isn’t that more important than a few extra dimples?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Manage Your money, Manage Your Life.

 Money. It's pretty much the one thing that is on every ones mind constantly. We often live day to day, allowing the demands of the present to swallow up our money and time. We watch the money—usually not enough—come in, and we watch it go out. We often feel we don't have any control over it, so why should we worry about trying to manage it? Too often, people complain about "not having enough money." Growing up, like everyone I have witnessed my parents financial mistakes, and have learned from them. I was too often considered "spoiled" as a child, but I never had anything handed to me. I was taught to work for what I wanted; good grades, wash the car, clean my room, etc. They were the average chores, but now I realize that they meant so much more. They were helping to build the base to the start of my life (thanks mom!). My husband and I are very young, we live a very good and blessed life, but we work very hard for everything that we have. Yes, my job is not some corporate office job but i enjoy it, i enjoy knowing that every time that I work I am $1 closer to a better future for me and my family. 

 Which gets me on another subject, if we teach children at a very young age about the value of money, how much better would the outcome be? The benefits of teaching your children about money early on are both immediate and long term. In the short term, they may develop strong saving habits, learn how to make smart purchases, begin to understand the true meaning of "investment," and perhaps even learn why they can't immediately get everything they want. In the long term, you can help them avoid accumulating debt. And by teaching the value of saving for the future, you can help them plan for financial security. A high school teen that I know is excited about getting a long period of time off from his job, so now his weekends are always free. He's a dish washer. He said "Where does $23 get me anyways?" Ummm hello! Save! Maybe it's just me, but I can think of plenty of things to do with $23. That's just one of the million examples that I see on a daily basis that drive me crazy!

 Money, it may be the root of all evil, but you can't avoid it. Managing it can help reduce the stress in your life. It can help give you a plan to take care of unexpected events and expenses. Nobody ever said that the road to success was going to be simple, but you can make it easier.

On a Beachbody Note...

Can I Make Money as a Beachbody Coach?

 This is a question I hear all the time and I always say the question you need to be asking is, “Will you make money as a Beachbody coach?” Anyone can make money as a coach but not everyone makes money as a coach.  Let me put it to you this way, if you follow the system that has been put together for Beachbody coaches then there is a pretty good chance you will be successful.  As coaches we have the best tools, the best products (P90X, Shakeology, Insanity, TurboFire etc), and the best team and support. Having all of these things makes running a successful business easy, if you just
follow these steps.

1. You have to be willing. This is what we do. We help! We help people pick out fitness programs and nutrition, while keeping them motivated.

2. You have to commit to being a product of the product. If you don’t eat at your own restaurant you can’t expect others too. Choose a work out program or get on the HD order of Shakeology. (Darn, guess that means you are going to get in awesome shape.)

3. You have to treat your Beachbody business like a business. This is a real business and you need to treat it as if you just invested $250 thousand on a franchise.  You wouldn’t invest $250k and just see how it goes.  The same is true with your Beachbody business.  You need to commit to it and make it happen.
-You don not need to be a health or fitness professional to become a Beachbody coach.
-You do not need to be in the best shape of your life to become a Beachbody coach.
If you can do these things then you can make money as a Beachbody coach.  I can’t tell you how much as that depends on you.  Do you want to make a little? OK. Do you want to make a lot? OK, you can do that too. Once you get going your income can only go up and most of it will be residual.  Meaning you will get this week after week, month after month and year after year.
The average personal trainer makes $42,200 a year.
The average club owner makes $80,380 a year.
The average Star Diamond Beachbody Coach makes $164,166 a year in residual money.  So you could potentially take a month off and your income could potentially go up. Even if you were a 90% failure from this number you would still make over $16,000 a year. Contact me so we can talk and see if being a being a Beachbody coach is for you!

"Success does not come to those who wait . . . and it does not wait for anyone to come to it."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This is just the Beginning!

Hi everyone! This blog is going to be geared towards my Beachbody business and just my everyday life in general. Most of you reading this probably already know me from Facebook and know a little bit about me already. But just in case you don't, here's a little bit about me...

I have always been a Florida girl. I was born and raised in a VERY small town called Avon Park. If you put your finger on a map, in the middle of Florida, you will hit it. There are more orange trees and cows than people there, seriously. It's where the newest and greatest thing to come was a Wal*Mart Super Center (I love my Wally World though lol). And when you go there you pretty much know EVERYONE. After school the "thing to do" was go to McDonalds to get your sweet tea, but you really can't beat Mickey D's sweet tea :). I spent many weekends 4-wheeling at mudholes. I attended a numerous amount of bonfire parties. Avon Park was my little slice of heaven and I loved it. I will always be a country girl at heart. The memories there can never be replaced. No matter how much people rag on it for it's lack of activity, I wouldn't have had it any other way. It's a place that I cherish and will always call home.

Avon Park High School (Go Red Devils!) is where I met the man, who is now my husband. The date was October 27, 2004, we were in the gym waiting for the last bell of the day to ring when he asked me to be his girlfriend and, of course, I said yes! From then on everyday of my life included him, we were inseparable. He is my best friend, nobody knows me better. Cary was a year ahead of me and when he graduated he joined the United States Coast Guard in 2007. It was a difficult time being separated for almost 2 years, but we made it! I wouldn't say a long distance relationship is easy, but it is possible, and we are proof. May 30, 2008 Cary surprised me by coming home for my graduation (he was living in GA at the time). That night he had another surprise, he proposed to me at my graduation dinner. One of the best nights of my life! After almost another year of being separated, and alot of planning, the date was set. On January 30, 2010 I officially became Mrs. Ashton Scott

Now we live in beautiful Clearwater, Fl with our two dogs Chewy and Champ. It's definately been a change of scenery, but I look at it as opening a new chapter in our life. Even though we miss the country scenery, it's nice to live where the beach is 15 minutes from your doorstep. Cary works as an AMT at the Coast Guard station and I am a waitress and a Beachbody coach. To say that Cary and I have had it easy would be completely off base. We have endured so much in our marriage and friendship and while at times it was hard, it was well worth every effort and has been such a blessing lately. We are truly a team.

I decided to become a Beachbody coach to better my health and everyone else's around me. When I was 4, I had open heart surgery. Alot of my family members have struggled with heart problems and I didn't want to be one of them. I became a coach in October of 2010 and have loved everything about the comapany since. I have met some very positive and motivational people throughout my journey. And I learned, it's not just about you. You are part of a team, when you become involved, people are counting on YOU too! And in return seeing them succeed gives me hope for a better future.  

"Enlightenment is when you can think about your future without fear." - Unknown